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LYDIA Voice 9 LYDIA Voice 9

Better, faster, smarter –
Say hello to LYDIA Voice 9

LYDIA Voice is extending its technological leadership with the launch of a new major release. The main feature of this new release is multi-language recognition. LYDIA Voice is now capable of simultaneously recognising multiple languages in real time – a unique innovation on the voice market. The seamless interaction between software and hardware also plays a key role. LYDIA Voice 9 enables modern hardware platforms to exploit their full potential and achieve maximum computing power – all while ensuring optimised energy management.

New features of LYDIA Voice 9:

  • Several neural networks used simultaneously to power voice recognition
  • Multiple languages recognised simultaneously and in real time
  • Three times faster voice recognition than previous versions (in combination with VOXTER Vantage 5)
  • 60 directly available languages
  • Efficient use of modern hardware platforms (including third party hardware)
  • Seamless interaction between software and hardware to ensure maximum performance

Multi-language recognition

LYDIA Voice not only works without any voice template training – the new version LYDIA Voice  9 is even capable of simultaneously understanding multiple languages in real time. It’s yet another unique feature that EPG has launched on the voice market. The new function benefits non-native speakers in particular. Staff who have not yet mastered the local language have the option of simply working in their own native language. New hires can therefore get to work immediately, rather than spend time training or learning unfamiliar phases and can be flexibly assigned to various voice-directed processes.

Parallel voice computing

LYDIA Voice 9 offers real multithreading, ensuring cutting-edge hardware platforms can be utilised with maximum efficiency. Computing power can be optimally distributed across multiple processor cores, resulting in maximum overall performance. But that’s not all, as LYDIA Voice 9 is also capable of simultaneously harnessing several neural networks for voice recognition. Multithreading lays the technical foundation for multi-language recognition, and also ensures much greater speed and precision in voice recognition on the whole. The efficient distribution of computing power also reduces energy consumption. 

60+ languages


Over 350,000 users worldwide rely on voice-directed working procedures with LYDIA Voice. With the launch of LYDIA Voice 9, the language portfolio has been expanded to include over 60 directly available languages. Additional languages are available on request. 

Enhanced productivity
thanks to LYDIA Voice 9

“Our aim is to offer the best overall package on the voice market. In the last 12 months alone, more than 20,000 voice users made the switch from various other solutions to LYDIA Voice. Customers from across the world have reported productivity increases of 7-15 percent after switching from other voice systems to LYDIA Voice. We are confident that with LYDIA Voice 9, we have reached another milestone in the development of voice solutions – and will continue this successful trend in future.”


- Tim Just, CEO of topsystem (member of EPG)

Voxter Vantage VT5


The VOXTER Vantage VT5 mobile voice computer is the perfect platform for LYDIA Voice 9. High-performance components and the voice-optimised operating system Android Industrial+ ensure maximum voice performance. ​

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