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Traffic Authority of the Switch Zug automates data collection with Check by Voice

Whether the brakes function correctly, the engine oil drips or the vehicle lighting is not in order - the Traffic Authority of the Switch in the Swiss train regularly checks vehicles for technical defects. In order to reduce the administrative effort for the approximately 30,000 inspections per year, the tourist office relies on topsystem's Lydia® Service Suite. The complete solution provider for voice-guided process control has adapted its system specifically to the requirements of Swiss transport experts. The data collected by the inspectors is recorded via a headset and transmitted directly to the system via Bluetooth connection with a tablet. The result: efficient recording of defects, complete documentation, optimized overviews and enormous time savings thanks to media-break-free data processing. 


30,000 tests per year

Reduction of the administrative effort

Before the introduction of Check by Voice, theTraffic Authority of the Switch Zug worked with paper-based tests. The results then had to be transferred manually into the EDP system, which was time-consuming. "In the search for a solution with which we can automatically transfer the recorded data into our system without a media break, we became aware of the speech recognition software Lydia® Voice from topsystem," reports Kurt Bischof, Head of Testing at the Zug Road Traffic Office. Together with the Swiss experts, the system house developed a combined solution of speech software with data acquisition for Bluetooth headsets and tablets. The newly developed Lydia® Service Suite was individually adapted to the requirements of the road traffic authorities. The transport authority defined key persons who contributed their experience in vehicle testing to the further development of the solution. For example, several hundred new terms have been integrated into the language software. Whether spark plugs, alternator, brake pads or tyres - every component of the vehicles can now be recorded. Until today the vocabulary of the software is successively expanded.  

Complete documentation of all test processes

The newly introduced system ensures efficient handling of inspection tasks and reduces administrative effort. The focus is on the complete documentation of all processes and the automated transfer of the recorded data to the central application. With the wireless headset of the ergonomic check-by-voice solution, employees benefit from maximum freedom of movement and increased concentration on the testing processes. The Lydia® Service Suite was developed according to the hands-free/eyes-free concept. This leaves both hands free for the inspectors to concentrate fully on the vehicle to be tested. The documentation of the check takes place parallel to the individual work steps and no longer in between. Therefore, the subsequent and error-prone transfer of paper check lists to the system is no longer necessary. All data is processed directly by the language software and automatically transferred to the specialist application. 

Additional information can be called up quickly

In order to check the operational safety of all vehicles presented, the Road Traffic Office Zug subjects each model to a detailed inspection. At the beginning, the inspectors identify the vehicle by means of the unique vehicle number, which is recorded via the tablet with the scan of a barcode that is on the vehicle registration document. During the actual testing process, for example, the employee places the tablet on the front passenger seat. The vehicle test then starts with the speech software and the headset without disturbing cables. If, for example, the tyre tread is no longer deep enough or the brake does not grip correctly, the inspectors detect these defects via the voice interface. The data is transferred directly via Bluetooth to the software in the tablet. With the mobile computer, damage can also be documented visually. All collected data is stored in the final test report. Even the smallest defects such as cracks in the windscreen are detected by the authority with the speech software. "A special feature of the Lydia® Service Suite is that the Road Traffic Office can also use the solution to call up important additional information about the vehicle," explains Frank Schneider, project manager at topsystem. "For example, it is easy to see which tires are approved for the test object or what maximum speed is permitted for the vehicle. A vehicle inspection takes 24 minutes on average. Check by Voice gives the inspectors maximum flexibility: the responsible employee determines the sequence in which the check is carried out. The mobile topsystem solution is also used by the Road Traffic Office outdoors, for example when testing an entire truck fleet or inspecting ships. Via a WLAN hotspot, a connection to the home
system is also available outside the test hall. External tests in workshops are thus easily possible. 


Every year, the Zug Road Traffic Office checks around 30,000 vehicles with Check by Voice. The significantly improved ergonomics during the testing process and the uniformity of the test report quickly ensured a high level of acceptance among the employees. After the check, employees save valuable working time by automatically transferring the data to the system. Due to the wealth of uniformly collected data, those responsible at the Road Traffic Office see further development potential, as Kurt Bischof reveals: "Thanks to the Lydia® Service Suite, we can specifically identify the weak points of certain vehicle types on the basis of all detected defects. This enables us to advise our customers competently on various models". A continuous further development of the system is planned for the future. "We have already received enquiries from other tourist offices in Switzerland who would like to introduce Check by Voice," says Frank Schneider, project manager at topsystem.