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LYDIA Voice passes the test:
Highly reliable voice recognition even while wearing a mask.

The coronavirus has taken hold around the world, and all parts of the economy have a duty to help slow the spread of the virus. An increasing number of logistics firms are implementing measures to maintain operations and protect their workforce. Masks, or even simple face coverings, are now standard items of clothing in many warehouses, as they are in everyday life. But what impact do they have on voice recognition when working with Pick-by-Voice systems? EPG has looked into this very question and has conducted a computer-based test to assess recognition rates when staff are wearing a mask.

Precise speech recognition with face mask: LYDIA Voice passed.

  • highly reliable detection with all tested mask types
  • no productivity losses in picking
  • advantages of the Deep Learning technology clearly visible
  • no adjustments in the system necessary
  • speaker-independent system
  • no post-training necessary

The result: speaker independence makes LYDIA Voice the number 1


When working with voice-controlled systems while wearing a mask, the speaker-independent system LYDIA Voice once again demonstrates its strengths compared with systems based on personal voice profiles. No language training is necessary before the start - and when picking with a, face mask, no extra training is necessary. LYDIA Voice is immediately ready to use without the need for costly adjustments to the system.

LYDIA 8 - speech recognition at the highest level


The test was conducted using the latest version of the system, LYDIA 8, which is based on neural networks and the deep learning concept. This concept resulted in a 25% improvement in recognition security, representing an important advantage primarily for employees with dialects or strong accents. The test shows that precise recognition is still very much achievable even when the speaker is wearing a face covering, with no system adjustments required.

LYDIA 8: speech recognition with neural network technology.

No loss of speech recognition with face mask.

Over 20 years of experience
in the voice market:
Well equipped for challenging times.

“We invested a lot of development work into the latest version

of our voice software LYDIA 8 and that’s really paying off in the crisis:

With the aid of our technology, we’re helping logistics companies to

maintain their operations and avoid any shortfalls in picking productivity

despite the safety measures in place.”


Tim Just, CEO of topsystem (Member of EPG)


LYDIA Voice delivers impressive performance with excellent recognition quality.

The standardized, computer-based test evaluated the impact of wearing N95, FFP2, paper or cloth masks on voice recognition rates while using the latest version of LYDIA Voice. The test was initially carried out with three different types of headset. The results for all types of mask showed roughly the same recognition rate (99.75% to 100%) as picking without a mask.

Picking with the LYDIA VoiceWear also passed the mask test:


With the results similar to those achieved with the headset. N95, cloth and paper masks had hardly any measurable impact on voice recognition quality in this test either, with no declines in productivity. Only the FFP2 masks in combination with LYDIA VoiceWear showed some minor deviation, although it was still at a tolerable level. This deviation is due to the fact that FFP2 masks have a greater impact on acoustic signals due to the way they are made.

Voice recognition with face mask

Test the LYDIA Voice Demo App now for free.

The graphic shows the Pick by Voice demo app.

You can now test LYDIA Voice yourself. Download the LYDIA Voice demo app for free. Our smart voice assistant guides you through the picking process with an intuitive dialogue process, even with face masks. Convince yourself today of the power of our speech recognition!

Download the app now!

Speaker independent system LYDIA Voice.

Our international customers are also convinced.

Learn more about voice picking with face mask Contact us!